Area Status menu in Arknights: Endfield
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How to increase Area Status in Arknights: Endfield beta

It's got a lot to do with outposts.

The Area Status of a region in Arknights: Endfield determines the value of almost everything you’ll find within it, so increasing it is something you’ll want to actively pursue. Increasing the Area Status, however, is not an easy task, especially if you’re unaware of all the methods you can, and the effort you’ll need to put into the process.

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How to rank up Area Status in Arknights: Endfield

To go into a bit of specifics here, ranking up the Area Status of a region influences the materials, resources, and enemy levels you’ll find while running around it. Each region has four potential ranks that you can upgrade, allowing you to face off against more difficult enemies and find more rare resources, all for the sole purpose of increasing your account’s overall power. These four ranks are the following:

  • Stable – This is the default Area Status for every Region. Rare resources spawn in small amounts, and enemies are typically low-level compared to the region’s maximum level. What’s more, the amount of AIC buildings you can construct is standard.
  • Active – Enemies become stronger than the previous rank (Stable), and Rare resources spawn in slightly larger amounts. You also have increased AIC structure limits. Additionally, Elite enemies will begin to spawn at this rank.
  • Bustling – Enemies are even stronger than the previous rank (Active), and resources spawn in significantly larger amounts. The AIC structure limitation is also further increased. Elite enemies become more common and spawn with packs of other enemies.
  • Prosperous – Enemies are at their maximum strength at this rank, and resources are also spawned at max capacity. The amount of AIC structures you can build is also greatly increased. Finally, all enemies, including Elites, spawn at their maximum threat level for the region.

Efficiently speaking, you want to reach the Prosperous Rank in every region as quickly as possible. This is due primarily to the daily limitations you have on collecting rare resources like Red Bolete, a core material necessary for Promoting your characters. Rare resources spawn once a day, and will only respawn on Daily Resets. The higher your Area Status in a region, the more Rare resources will spawn. So, how do you actually go about increasing the level? There are two ways: by boosting Outpost Prosperity and Completing Region Quests.

Increasing Area Status through Outpost Prosperity

An Outpost in Arknights: Endfield
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Most regions in Arknights: Endfield will only allow you to increase its Area Status by first gaining Outpost Prosperity with the outpost in the Region. This is done by setting up an outpost in a region and providing its needs using your AIC Factory.

Outposts are set up by progressing the Main Story to a point where you get a secondary mission that requires you to “Raise Outpost Prosperity to the current limit.”

Outpost Quest in Arknights: Endfield
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You’ll eventually set up an outpost in the Valley Pass region, which is the first region you’ll gain access to outposts in Arknights: Endfield. This outpost will begin life at Outpost Prosperity Level 1, and to level it up, you’ll need to mass produce and give the outpost its required materials.

Outpost Details Page in Arknights: Endfield
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For example, my Valley Pass outpost is at level 3, and in order for me to further increase its level, I must provide the outpost with Buck Capsule [C] at regular one-minute intervals. This can be done manually, but that is extremely inefficient, as progress continues even when offline. Instead, I have Buck Capsule [C] being produced endlessly at one of my sub-AIC bases, which is being funneled to my Depot.

Factory Production in Arknights: Endfield
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All materials are sourced directly from your Depot, so design your Factory setups with this in mind. To streamline production, place a Protocol Stash at the end of your production lines to route finalized materials back to the Depot. Additionally, ensure your Yield meets or exceeds the Needs displayed in the Outpost Menu to maintain full automation in your production.

A Protocol Stash in Arknights: Endfield
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Once you have the requested material being produced and secured in your Depot, toggle the Auto button in the Outpost menu to on, to allow the outpost to obtain it without your intervention. Once the experience bar is full, your outpost will contact you and request the completion of a short quest. After doing so, it will rank up to its next level. This is a long process, so patience and efficiency are required.

Outpost Logistics in Arknights: Endfield
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As your outposts rank up, you’ll have the option to supply a different, more challenging material to boost your experience gains. While this approach is more demanding, it offers greater rewards. However, as your outpost progresses, it will eventually no longer require the initial resource, forcing you to switch to producing the more advanced material. Keep this in mind as you progress.

Upon leveling up an Outpost in a region, you’ll be able to upgrade its Area Status to the next rank. Some regions may require more than one Outpost level up to boost Area Status.

Increasing Area Status through Questing

While most regions in Arknights: Endfield require you to level an Outpost to increase Area Status, regions like the Aburrey Quarry will allow you to increase it by completing its Regional Quest, at least for reaching the Active status. This is as simple as it sounds. Follow the main questline for the region to its conclusion, and you’ll be able to boost its Area Status once.

Area Status page in Arknights: Endfield
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Using Aburrey Quarry as an example, once you complete the Regional Quest, the only way to further boost its Area Status is by increasing your Total Outpost Level. This is calculated by adding up the levels of all your available outposts. For instance, to unlock the Prosperous Rank in Aburrey Quarry, you’ll need a Total Outpost Level of eight. This requires you to work on your other outposts and return at a later time.

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Image of Darrus Myles
Darrus Myles
Darrus, a seasoned guide writer and indie developer with nearly a decade under his belt, plunges into the gaming realm like a knight charging into battle (albeit with a trusty keyboard instead of a sword). With RPGs as his domain, he fearlessly slays industry challenges, turning every obstacle into XP for his quest to game domination.