Act Three of Episode: Revenant has come to Destiny 2, and its main attraction is the new Kell’s Fall Exotic mission. Guardians are tasked with forging deep into the Revenant lair of Fikrul to root out his corrupting influence and investigate the Echo he wields. However, the Exotic mission is not just a simple run through a haunted house; players will have to venture into the enemy stronghold multiple times if they want to conquer the fel Kell.
Kell’s Fall serves as the main centerpiece of Act Three, meaning players must repeatedly venture into the Exotic mission as the narrative unfolds. While Guardians aren’t prevented from joining a friend to attempt Kell’s Fall if they’re not caught up on the story, players cannot select the activity independently unless they’ve already completed Act One and Act Two.
When players are ready, they can head to The Last City and pay a visit to the Holoprojector. Eramis will set Guardians on their course, sending you off for a few other chats before heading into the Exotic mission proper.
Kell’s Fall: Reflection
After loading in, Guardians will find themselves once again on the Tangled Shore in front of a bizarre sight: Scorn kneeling before players. These first foes aren’t interested in a fight. Instead, they want to see players face off against Fikrul. You can head off to the right by the gnarled tree, hopping across gaps in the cliffside. Further ahead, players will turn left and continue along the linear path until they encounter the first obstacle: Araskes, The Trickster.
This battle isn’t anything much for Guardians to worry about, but the foe will periodically turn invisible and scurry away. After players bring Araskes to half health, the enemy will retreat, and the way forward will open. Ahead, you’ll encounter a large chamber with a pipe organ at the back of the room. If you inspect the organ a bit closer, you’ll notice a series of glowing symbols attached to the instrument. These can be used to play melodies, which cause things to happen in the Exotic mission.
There is one melody readily available to play on the organ. It can be found written on a wall in a room at the end of the path the right-side stairway leads to. However, the room it opens will only have something to collect after Guardians have completed the Exotic mission at least once. Otherwise, players can head up the stairs to the left of the organ and follow the next set of stairs upwards.
You’ll soon arrive at a dead end, but in the room, there is also a glowing brazier nearby. Interacting with the brazier opens a door, and the path leads to a large, empty hallway. The path forward is behind some rubble tucked behind a branch in the corner of the hall. Some rubble will block a small entryway, melee it to clear it aside. The next room has what looks like a broken mirror, but shooting the mirror reveals it to be a portal, taking players to the Mirror Gallery. This Prismatic-tinged realm is a bit of a labyrinth, but there’s only one way forward for Guardians. When players reach a large area with a tree growing horizontally through it, egress is at the other end of the room, down the left path. A brazier will await in a room with another broken mirror.Â
The mirror will take players back to reality, and a linear path will eventually lead to some rubble that needs clearing on the left side of a large hall. That cave passage will ultimately lead players to the Fighting Pit, where a Rally Flag and the subsequent encounter await. Kaniks, The Mad Bomber will attack the Fireteam in the next large room. Kaniks itself is shielded, so players will need to traverse the mirror realm again to gain the necessary power to defeat The Mad Bomber. In the mirror realm, certain enemies will drop motes of Revenant Power. Once Guardians collect 10 motes, they’ll get the Revenant Empowerment buff, allowing players to break Kaniks’ shield.
After The Mad Bomber is dealt with, Fikrul will appear to show off the power he can wield, thanks to the Echo. After the display of strength, a passage on the right will open, and players can head through there. The path ahead is pretty straightforward, but towards the end, some rubble will block the path off to the right. The path opens up to a red-lit area that serves as the Exotic mission’s main platforming challenge. Players will want to carefully make their way toward the back right side of the room, heading through any caves that look like there’s light coming from them.
Eventually, you’ll reach what looks like a dead end with a bright white light at the end of the passage and red dome-like structures. The way forward is actually down, and you can spot the landing place by the warm glow emanating from the cave’s mouth. After exiting the platforming section, players will enter a red room with braziers scattered around the area. If Guardians look back to where they came from, they’ll notice three small torches stacked atop one another. As players light the braziers in this area, the torches will react in kind. After all three braziers are lit, a door will open behind the torches. A hidden symbol is written on the wall in this small room, which is worth noting for later use.
In the next room, a shattered mirror will lead players back into the mirror realm and the next encounter. Guardians are facing off against Hiraks, The Mindbender, and he’ll initially be damageable when encountered. After knocking down a third of his health, The Mindbender will retreat, and Guardians must escape the mirror realm. A path on the side of the mirror realm will lead to another shattered mirror, which the nearby braziers can awaken. Once back in reality, players will encounter Hiraks in the next room.
After another third of The Mindbender’s health is gone, he’ll pull another vanishing act, and players will have to hunt through the mirror realm again. Hiraks will make his final stand here, and after a short bout, The Mindbender will go down. Fikrul makes another appearance to taunt players, and once Guardians are ready, they can head through the door to the right and through the mirror portal.
The path ahead will lead toward a gravity lift, and once ascended, players will encounter Araskes, The Trickster, again. After ascending a long and winding staircase, Guardians can have their rematch with The Trickster. Araskes will harass players during the climb, but he’ll inevitably meet his end at the top. Through the next door is Fikruls throne room and the final challenge in Kell’s Fall.
Fikrul awaits in his throne room ahead, but he’s invulnerable with the power of the Echo. Before long, Fikrul will begin casting an attack, and that’s the players’ cue to head through the mirror portals. On the inside, Guardians can defeat enemies to collect Motes for Revenant Empowerment. Once at 10 stacks, players can head back out to Fikrul. However, the Scorn leader feels you are beneath him, so he summons a lacky, Reksis Vahn, The Hangman.
Reksis Vahn won’t take much to bring down, but it’ll mean Fikrul makes his escape. After defeating The Hangman, players will receive a trove of Tonic supplies and rewards, including the Slayer’s Fang Exotic shotgun. If Guardians visit The Last City, they can check in with Eido, The Spider, and Crow for four (!) Exotic Catalyst Quests and the next step in taking down Fikrul: heading back into Kell’s Fall.
Kell’s Fall: Distortion
After the first completion, Guardians are tasked with heading back into Kell’s Fall to empower the Slayer’s Fang Exotic shotgun and continue gathering intel on Fikrul. While most of the Exotic mission remains the same, players can access new areas and find new secrets within. For instance, the organ near the beginning of the Exotic mission will now have most of its buttons working. That said, there are still three that remain broken.
The passage through the Exotic mission is functionally the same as the first run-through. However, Guardians must locate the Apothecary, who’ll be locked up just before the ascent up the winding staircase where The Trickster reappears. Otherwise, players will face off against the Screeb Matriarch at the end of the Exotic mission. This boss is even less of a threat than the last, as the Screebs created can chain explode next to the boss for massive damage. Once it’s defeated, players will get treated to a bit more lore and then close out this chapter of Kell’s Fall.
Kell’s Fall: Defraction
Guardians will have to venture into Kell’s Fall one last time to see to Fikrul’s demise. After the second outing, some behind-the-scenes work with Eido and the new Apothecary ally leads to a stake-like quest item that can be used to inject Fikrul’s heart with a Tonic that will turn his Dark Ether to Light. This will make the ghoulish leader mortal, allowing players to land a killing blow.
Inside the Exotic mission, it’s much like the previous run. The encounters remain as players remember them, but there will be more opportunities for secret interactions and powerups for the Slayer’s Fang Exotic shotgun. As with the second run, Guardians must visit the Apothecary on the way up the staircase.
The final battle takes place against Fikrul himself, but Guardians are prepared for the foe this time. The fight goes a lot like previous final battles have in Kell’s Fall: the main difference is the opponent players are fighting against. During the encounter, after players get the Revenant Empowerment buff, Fikrul will assault the Fireteam in the mirror realm. The procedure is no different, though, and the Scorn leader will finally get the cinematic end he deserves.
Published: Jan 8, 2025 07:39 am