Meeting Details:
The Junto will officially begin on Friday, April 5th with an opening reception at 6:00 pm. Papers will start Saturday morning. The Stuart Pierson Memorial Lecture will be given following Saturday evening’s dinner by Dr. Frederick Gregory (University of Florida).
About Us
Oklahoma’s Duane Roller, Wisconsin’s Robert Siegfried and Kansas’s Robert Schofield founded The Midwest Junto for the History of Science more than a half century ago to provide a professional forum for themselves, students and like-minded individuals unable to afford travel to a national professional meeting. It continues to serve as a central meeting place for persons living in the middle of the country and beyond. The organization meets annually in spring and is particularly receptive to persons without extensive experience presenting their research to national professional historical organizations. It welcomes work in the history of medicine and the history of technology as well as the history of science. The Midwest Junto retains its founders’ vision that it should be informal and loosely organized. The time and place for the Junto’s annual meeting is rarely set more than a year in advance. The organization caters to no time period or place. Papers themselves are limited to about fifteen minutes in duration.
For the conference schedule, please follow this link: