The Reilly Center is pleased to announce that the NSF will fund our $300K proposal to the EESE Program (Ethics Education in Science and Engineering).
The proposal, entitled "Citizen-Scientists as Agents of Change: Training the Trainer in the Ethics of Science and Technology" aims to produce science and engineering graduate students who will be models of the ethically engaged citizen-scientist. A select group of fifteen students per year will have the opportunity for advanced training in the ethics of science and technology with a focus on “big picture” or “macro-ethics” issues.
The training will start with an intensive, one-week citizen-scientist ethics boot camp, and will be reinforced with in-service projects. The students who participate in this train-the-trainer program will take what they learn back into their laboratories, classrooms, professional associations, and on into their own later careers, and through their actions will serve as models.
The overarching goal of this project is to create "Agents of Change" who will serve as trainers themselves. Graduate students in the program will convey what they have learned to their colleagues, students, and professional, local, and national communities. They will also have ample opportunities to disseminate their learning both on- and off-campus.
Director Don Howard and Assistant Director for Research Melinda Gormley are the PI and co-PI on this grant. The Reilly Center will hire a post-doc in conjunction with this grant.