Science, Medicine, Technology and Society: Undergraduate Research Panel
Monday, 27 February
5 – 7 PM
Geddes Hall B36
We’ll provide dinner, too!
Julia Erdlen, Gender Inequality and the Nobel Prize
Eric Layne, Cyberattacks, Cyberwar, and Stuxnet
Marisa Lucht, Female Disengagement in Computer Science
Christina Wells, Study 329 and Necessary Scientific Communication in the Pharmaceutical Industry
The STV program is delighted to announce that four of our students – Eric Layne, Julia Erdlen, Marisa Lucht, and Christina Wells – all members of Mousa Mohammadian’s core course last semester, have had papers accepted to the upcoming National Undergraduate Research Conference on Science, Technology, Medicine and Society (to be held 10-12 March at DePauw University).
To honor their achievement and to create a platform where all STV students – and friends – can learn about undergraduate research in the minor, the Reilly Center is hosting a pre-conference practice talk.
An important dimension of academic research is how scholars research, think, and generate ideas and knowledge through their engagements with other thinkers. It’s in confronting challenges, answering to doubts, and entertaining critiques that people develop and sharpen their own thinking and ideas.
In that light, we invite you to participate in the academic praxis of thinking-together: in this case, thinking-with your colleagues Eric, Julia, Marisa, and Christina as they refine and sharpen their paper presentations in preparation for the upcoming conference. Consider this an opportunity to learn from them, to learn with them, and to learn about research in this area-- an opportunity for you to contribute to the practice of scholarship.
This is also an event to celebrate the convivium of the academe and to enjoy a few moments with your classmates and friends. Following the paper critique, we’ll have food, drinks, conversation, and – I hope – some moments of good-spirited conviviality among the STV community. We’ll extend a special welcome to students interested in joining the STV minor or engaging with the Reilly Center’s programming in other ways.