PLEASE NOTE THIS DATE IS RESCHEDULED from the original March 23 date that was cancelled due to East Coast severe weather conditions.
Genese Sodikoff is an Associate Professor of Anthropology at Rutgers University and her talk, "Multispecies Ethnography and Epidemiological Puzzles," discusses the challenges of epidemiology within rapidly transforming landscape and genetics. As a cultural anthropologist, Professor Sodikoff is interested in the political economy of biodiversity loss, conservation, and restoration, labor and rain forest conservation in Madagascar, and the biotic and cultural problem of extinction. She is the author of Forest and Labor in Madagascar: From Colonial Concession to Global Biosphere (Indiana University Press, 2012). She received her Ph.D. in Anthropology from the University of Michigan in 2005.
The GLOBES Scholar Series entails three interdisciplinary talks at the intersection of the environment and society. The series is sponsored by the Environmental Change Initiative, the Eck Institute for Global Health, and the Department of Biological Sciences.The Department of Anthropology is a co-sponsor of the Sodikoff talk.
More on Genese Sodikoff click here. For more information contact GLOBES Director Gary Lamberti