"Kant and the Physico-theologians"
Though I am certainly not a Kantian scholar, as part of the mammoth work on the history of natural theology I have been engaged in for several decades, it has been important to examine Kant's work on the subject, to situate it in both narrower and broader contexts. To this end I shall consider a trajectory beginning with Kant's 1764 essay on the Only Possible Argument for the Demonstration of God, and extending through his 1783 lectures on rational theology, parts of the third Critique on Judgement (1790), and the essay on the Failure of all Philosophical Theodicies (1791). I shall consider too the sad fate of Kant's assessment, both in Germany and in England.
Chris is Professor of History and a founding member of the Reilly Center.
For more information, including the Zoom meeting ID, please contact Sam Hall (shall9@nd.edu).